Welcome to Balnarring Primary School!
Thank you for taking the time to access our website which aims to give you some insight and information about the school.
If you would like to know more about us, we warmly invite you to come along to our school to see it in action.
Latest Newsletters
Our Programs
At Balnarring Primary School, we believe that mathematics is incorporated in many aspects of daily life…
At Balnarring Primary School, we recognise literacy as being an integral part of daily life…
Children at Balnarring are provided with the opportunity to enhance their ICT skills when visiting…
First Nations Studies
Balnarring Primary School considers that it is very important for its students to be learning…
Physical Education & Health
In Physical Education and Health at Balnarring Primary School, students develop the knowledge…
Balnarring Primary School offers a specialist Science Program to all students from Foundation to Year 6…
The arts
At Balnarring Primary School, we recognise the important role of Visual Arts and Performing Arts in the…
It was with great excitement and enthusiasm that play-based Investigations were undertaken….
Outside School Hours Care Program
Our Outside School Hours Care program is run by Camp Australia from 3.15 pm to 6.00 pm.
Lunchtime clubs
The children at Balnarring Primary School have plenty of choice when it comes to lunchtime activities…
All children at Balnarring Primary School are paired with a ‘buddy’ from one of the other classes…
Our camping program is a very important part of the Balnarring Primary School curriculum…

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