We have had an exciting start to Term 3, I can’t believe we are 3 weeks in already! I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed reconnecting with our students, staff and school community after the school holiday break. Since returning for Term 4 we have already seen some warm days. I would like to take this opportunity to remind students and families that students must bring their broad brimmed school hat to school each day during Term 4.
On Friday 18 October I attended the Koorie Kids Day out at Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association with our Koorie students. I am incredibly grateful to these students for sharing some of their culture and community with me. I was able to participate in a dance workshop presented by Indigenous Outreach Projects where we saw some traditional dance and storytelling, amazing hip hop performances, as well as some contemporary community type dancing, where at one point I found myself at the front of a conga line with our students! Some of the key messages that resonated through the day were around ‘No Shame, Be Proud and Respect’.
On Tuesday 22 October we were joined by Balnarring Pre School, Balnarring Early Learning and St Joseph’s Crib Point for the Little Long Walk. In the lead up to this event I participated in some of our First Nations classes where students were learning about the meaning behind the Little Long Walk. On 21 November 2004 Michael Long embarked on an historic trek, walking from his home in the suburbs of Melbourne all the way to Parliament House in Canberra – more than 650 kilometres away.
Michael decided that something needed to be done to get Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues back on the national agenda and resolved to meet with the Prime Minister, even if he had to walk all the way to Canberra to do it.
Michael was joined on the road by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal supporters from all over Australia. Some walked in support for an hour, some for a day and some took the journey all the way to Canberra. As the walkers passed through the Victorian countryside, local people came out to meet them, offering encouragement, support and assistance.
Seeing both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people rallying together, Michael’s Long Walk became a mission of hope.
I was incredibly proud to see our students create banners and posters showing our support for First Nations history and culture. Balnarring Primary School is committed to celebrating diversity, taking action towards Reconciliation and to ensuring that students are empowered to stand up against racism and discrimination. We ask that families consider reinforcing some of these key messages as we work in partnership to educate our students.
Yesterday I attended Western Port Secondary College who hosted a session for local school Principals and teaching staff. We were toured through their new facilities and heard presentations from the College Principal, Chris Quinn, Year 7 Coordinator Keely Aglinskas as well as well as current Year 7 students and various staff. The school presented their LEAP program, Westernport Literacy Guarantee and comprehensive wellbeing supports that are available to students. I value having a strong relationship with Western Port and we work closely with them to ensure supportive transition pathways from Balnarring Primary School into Year 7.
We have some exciting wildlife encounters afoot at the moment. Last week our Balnarring Environmental Action Team (BEAT) students found a baby possum that had likely fallen from its nest in our wetlands. We sought advice from local vets and wildlife carers to make sure we were able do what was in the best interest of the possum. We also have a family of Tawny Frogmouths nesting out the front of our school. It is a really special thing that this bird family have chosen our school to nest. I would like to ask for the support of all students, staff and families to ensure that we give them the space and respect they deserve.
As we begin planning our student placements for 2025, we are committed to making thoughtful decisions that will support the best outcomes for all students. Our teachers, who have extensive knowledge of each student’s learning and social needs, will carefully consider a range of factors when forming classes.
To help us in this process, children will have the opportunity to list four friends they would like to be placed with next year. We will ensure that your child is placed with at least one friend from their list.
If your child has any specific needs that you would like us to consider during class placement, please email Krysha Renison at [email protected] by November 8th, 2024. Should we be unable to accommodate your request, we will contact you directly to discuss further.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to ensure the best possible learning environment for all our students.
We have so much more to look forward to this term, I hope to see you around at school soon.
Bethany Jackson

Save the date 12th December 2024
Christmas Carols – We are planning our Christmas Carols event. Full details will be provided once confirmed.
Wellbeing News
As part of Balnarring’s wellbeing values– ‘The Balnarring Way’, we will be bringing you regular updates of positive wellbeing initiatives that are happening around our school!
In Term Four our focus will be on-
Recently we were successful in receiving a grant from Landcare Victoria. Our grant is titled ‘Kids Healing Country’ and through these funds students will indeed be making choices that contribute to a healthier planet!
Thanks to this grant, students from Year 2 and Year 3 attended Willum Warrain this week, and extended their learning all about Indigenous Flora. They were shown many plants and explained their traditional uses, they tasted chocolate lilies and saw a breathtaking Murnong garden! We collected hundreds of plants that students will be planting next week, and we have funds to further defend our gardens against the rabbits!
Supervision before school commences at 8.30 am and after school until 3.30 pm.
There is no supervision on Student Free Days.
What activities are coming up?
Click the button below to download the calendar.