There is a very exciting buzz in the air with the Olympics happening. During one of my recess announcements this week I shared a reflection of how during one of the Matilda’s games where they were trailing behind significantly, they later came back to win. I spoke about how watching this game reminded me of the Balnarring Way with all of the Matilda’s players really having to show care and respect for themselves and one another in order to claim victory. There are so many anecdotes and examples of triumph, courage and resilience that we see during the Olympics. I love having the opportunity to speak about these with our school community. Earlier this week I was speaking with our students about what they plan to dress up as for our Balnarring Primary School Olympics Day this Friday 2 July. It sounds like the students in 4B have some great ideas with Poppy planning to come as a surfer, Georgie planning to come as an equestrian rider and Sophie planning to come dressed as a Matilda’s player. I know we are all looking forward to getting together as a school community to get into the Olympic spirit.
Class 1A have been keeping on top of the Australian Olympic Medal Tally. Well done to Kennedy and Will who showed their tally’s and explained their thinking and strategies to the whole class.
The hallway in our main building is like an avenue of honour with our Science Talent Search entries on display. I am so impressed with all of the projects that our students have put together. Everyone at Balnarring Primary School is really proud of your work so far and we wish you well for the judging process. I encourage families to come and have a look at these projects on display in the main building, they are outstanding.
This week I spent some time in our Bimblemeer garden and I can understand why so many students have told me why this is such a special part of our school. I was taken on a tour by some of our Year 6 students who showed a deep level of understanding and connection to the animals and our responsibilities to care for them as well as the plants and garden. Some of our junior school students were pampering some of our guinea pigs and it was great to see this all in action.
On Tuesday 30 July we had Parent Teacher meetings for all year levels. At Balnarring Primary School strong partnerships between parents/carers and families are an integral part of supporting students. We welcome parents/carers to reach out to their child’s classroom teacher at any stage should you want an update on how things are going.
I would like to thank all of the families and special visitors who attended the first assembly of the term on Friday 26 July. I am really enjoying having the chance to meet families and having everyone together to share our learning and all things Balnarring was a real highlight for me last week. I will arrange a cuppa and biscuits from 1.45pm before our next assembly starts for any parents/visitors that would like to drop in to catch up with me or one another. Please come along if you have time free!
Bethany Jackson
Wellbeing News
As part of Balnarring’s wellbeing values– ‘The Balnarring Way’, we will be bringing you regular updates of positive wellbeing initiatives that are happening around our school!
Our Foundation to Year Four are heading off to the ‘Water Safety’ program this term. We have chatted with all the students and asked them to consider how this important program is connected to ‘The Balnarring Way’.
Here are some of their thoughts…
We are focusing on Resilience and one of the great gifts that teachers, parents and carers can give is the ability to see challenges not as obstacles to be avoided, but as mountains to climb.
Supervision before school commences at 8.30 am and after school until 3.30 pm.
There is no supervision on Student Free Days.
What activities are coming up?
Click the button below to download the calendar.