I had a great time visiting our Year 4 students on Camp at Pt Leo earlier this week. I have been lucky enough to attend various camps during my 21 years as a teacher but have never been to a camp quite like Pt Leo. When I arrived parents and carers were just leaving having dropped off students, they were all settled into their glamping tents with sleeping bags all made up and getting ready for their first activity rotation. What a great experience this is for our students that really captures who we are as a school making the most of our beautiful natural surroundings and caring for our environment. I was lucky enough to join in with our students discovering the wonders of the rockpools and participating in bike ed while on camp. Best wishes to our Year 5 students who head off to Pt Leo camp later this week and to our Year 3 students who go to camp at The Briars on Monday.
Ibis Flyer 25th October 2024
We have had an exciting start to Term 3, I can’t believe we are 3 weeks in already! I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed reconnecting with our students, staff and school community after the school holiday break. Since returning for Term 4 we have already seen some warm days. I would like to take this opportunity to remind students and families that students must bring their broad brimmed school hat to school each day during Term 4.
Ibis Flyer 13th September 2024
As we progress through the last few weeks of Term 3, I have reflected on what a wonderful term we have had and there is still plenty to look forward to. This Friday 13 September we have our Move and Groove event. We are delighted to bring our community together with the support of Balnarring Football, Cricket, Netball, Tennis, Basketball and Soccer Clubs as well as some of our very talented parent musicians.
Ibis Flyer 26th August 2024
Have you met our two new kids? Last week we had two new baby goats join us. They will be with us until the end of the year, we take care of them by bottle feeding them and spending time with them until they go back to their dairy farm. What a wonderful experience for our students to be part of raising these beautiful kids and having them become part of our Balnarring Primary School Community. Each class will have the opportunity to put forward some options for names with the final names being announced at our next assembly.
Ibis Flyer 2nd August 2024
There is a very exciting buzz in the air with the Olympics happening. During one of my recess announcements this week I shared a reflection of how during one of the Matilda’s games where they were trailing behind significantly, they later came back to win.
Ibis Flyer 19th July 2024
As I begin my very first newsletter submission for Balnarring Primary School I would like to send out my most heart
felt thanks to the school community for being so welcoming towards me.
Ibis Flyer 26th June 2024
To say that I will be incredibly sad to leave Balnarring Primary School at the end of this term is an understatement. When I walked in these doors 3 years ago, I had no intention of ever leaving, because I recognised what a beautiful place it is. From the natural learning environments, the high standards expected of our students and of each other but most importantly as I mentioned at our Foundation 2025 information night, the people that walk through these doors each and every day. We have the most incredibly dedicated staff who care very deeply for the students that they teach and their families. They go above and beyond to provide the best learning experiences for their students and are very passionate learners themselves.
Ibis Flyer 16th May 2024
How fortunate we have been with the weather in the last couple of weeks. There is certainly a happiness that goes along with the lovely days.
Ibis Flyer 26th April 2024
Welcome back to Term 2 everyone. And what a start it has been!
Ibis Flyer 8th March 2024
Anne, Krysha, Georga Bryant (School Council President) and Conor Mullan (long standing School Council member) and I met with a group of parents today to discuss our work and response to the issue in Kirinari. Kerri Collins had several questions from other parents that we discussed along with other queries. I urge all parents to call and make a time to meet or chat on the phone with me if you have any questions or queries that you have not been answered through COMPASS communications. I am always more than happy to meet with parents and families. When we communicate directly and work together, we can solve many issues and come up with great solutions and outcomes for our students.